Boletín abril - julio 2022: Convocatorias de becas, entrevistas a exbecarias del DAAD y mucho más
En esta décima edición de nuestro Boletín recopilamos algunas de las convocatorias de becas destacadas que se han abierto en los últimos meses y semanas. Este compilado funciona como una guía para no perder de vista las diversas oportunidades que ofrecen el DAAD y Alemania.
Inscripciones y oportunidad del DAAD: Curso de alemán "Competencias comunicativas en la era de la transformación digital"
El trabajo, el estudio y la investigación cada vez más se llevan a cabo en la modalidad digital o remota. Este cambio nos enfrenta a nuevos retos comunicativos y es fundamental tener las herramientas necesarias para afrontarlos. Con este objetivo, Universidad del Valle (Cali-Colombia), con el apoyo del DAAD, ofrece el curso Competencias comunicativas en la era de la transformación digital.
Inscripciones abiertas y oportunidad del DAAD: Diplomatura ALE Enseñanza Alemán como Lengua Extranjera 2022
Esta capacitación es ideal para mejorar las habilidades didácticas y profundizar los conocimientos metodológicos de los profesores, docentes e instructores de la lengua alemana.
ICETEX: Beca Colombia Scholarship - Program for foreigners 2022-II
ICETEX, as an Institution of the Colombian State that promotes Higher Education, is in charge of granting economic aid to foreign citizens within the framework of the Beca Colombia Scholarship Program.
Technical Engineering (B.Eng.): Start your career by studying at OTH A...
Would you like to pursue a career as an engineer? OTH Amberg-Weiden offers you the best opportunity to obtain a Bachelor of Engineering degree at a leading German university.
“Master of Science in Manufacturing Technology” (M.Sc.)
Boost your engineering career by studying Manufacturing in Germany, one of the top Manufacturing nations worldwide! Apply from Feb 1st – Mar 15th at TU Dortmund University. No tuition fees.
Executive M.Sc. in Energy, Mobility, Production, Product Innovation, F...
Boost your career with an industry-oriented M. Sc. in Renewable Energies, Digital Transformation, Global Production, Innovation, Finance or Mobility. Taught in English in Germany!
Kick-start your future career in Financial Management!
If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management with an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomberg Lab could be just right for you!
Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes
Study management in English. Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation a...
Master’s Program International Media Studies: Apply now!
The four-semester Master’s degree offers an unparalleled mix of research, lectures and practical experience and prepares students for careers in the digital media industries.
MBA & Engineering in Life Science Management Programme
Internationally accredited MBA&E providing life science expertise required in leaders of the future combining comprehensive, industry-specific knowledge and management skills.
Advance your career with an MBA from Pforzheim University, one of the ...
The full-time MBA in International Management at Pforzheim University combines a classical management education with the most relevant future topics: Innovation & Digital Business, Sustainable Global...